Saturday, February 23, 2008

To Create Fabulous Art...

To create fabulous art, you need a lot of creativity, imagination and massive amounts of supplies. Today I bid on and won a really great Glamour girl postcard to use in much of my collage/art projects. Can't wait to get it in the mail-she is lovely! I will be able to use this image a lot in my art!!!! Been checking on lots of French cards too.
I am painting lots of Springy Birdhouses this weekend. I also promised my friend Laurie that I 
'd make her a wonderful white and sparkly Easter tree for her tabletop or mantlescape! This will be bright and oh so cute. 
Oh boy, the aqua eggies with word inspirations are so darling and will make really nice gifts to lots of friends and family.
I have been working so hard on my art/jewelry. I am working on filling a first order on my Etsy account(very excited!). I hope it all works out well. I am also writing to a few different boutique owners ...shops I have been in and enjoy...I am crossing fingers and visualizing great retail orders being filled! Hey, a girl can work hard-dream- and watch it all come true! 
It is sometimes difficult for me to upload my art to Etsy cause I took the photos with too many pixels and the files are huge, I am hoping my son Danny can help me get the new goodies uploaded tonight!
Did I mention that I am happiest doing art! I am happiest near my boys and doggies! Well, I am one lucky ducky.  The art, boys and dogs mmmmm...I am so blessed! I wear the boys and doggies on my necklaces and I do take special orders. 
Well back to mixing paint!

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